Tag Archives: CSA

This week’s CSA Haul: Producetopia!

Serious haul this week from the Greenpoint-Williamsburg CSA.  ‘Tis the producetopia weekend! 1/2 dozen eggs laid that day will become a frittata.  These eggs transcend all others in general flavor and freshness.  I’m thinking it would be divine with some of the organic cherry tomatos, a little sauteed kale, some thyme and dotted on top with chevre.

The week's haul from my Williamsburg-Greenpoint CSA

With all the peppers, red onion, cukes and tomatoes, it’s time for some proper Gazpacho.  I riffed off my brother’s recipe, which involves blending up two cups breadcrumbs with 6 (yep, 6) cloves of garlic.  Set that mixture aside.  Then, dice up 6-7 tomatoes, red onion, a seeded/peeled cuke, red pepper, green pepper, 2 jalapenos or serano chiles, and then puree half those diced veg with 3-4 cups of tomato juice or clamato juice, and reserve the other half of diced veg. Mix the puree, garlic bread crumbs, and diced veg.  Refrigerate and let those flavors marry.  You might want to add chopped avocado, shrimp or herbs when served.

In case we have to skip town on account of Hurricane Irene, I’m gonna whip up some picnic-y stuff that might travel well in the event of an evacuation (I have to stop checking weather.com and watching The Weather Channel — it would make anyone neurotic right now).  I’ll roasting the eggplant (pierce with fork, add garlic, wrap in foil and put on the grill until softened/charred) for a babaganoush to go with some sort of Morrocan chicken or lamb tagine I’m whipping up this weekend.  I might use Quinoa instead of couscous.

There were gorgeous donut shaped peaches and nectarines.  Those are begging to be eaten, unadorned.  Took home a mini watermelon.  Can’t wait to crack that baby open.  Might do some pickled watermelon rind a la David Chang/Momofuko.

And topped it all off with some sunflowers. The CSA pick up is a happy time of the week and sets the stage for the week’s menu’s (or freezable goodies).


Vegetable Roulette: Greenpoint-Williamsburg CSA

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Especially for us urban dwellers, getting involved with a CSA (community supported agriculture) is just a no-brainer.  For the uninitiated, it’s essentially like buying stock, but instead of buying shares in a public company, you’re buying a stake in an organic … Continue reading